Social Responsibility & Impact Investing

In depth analysis to ensure your investments reflect your values

Investments that live up to your values

You want to use your hard-earned dollars to create positive change in the world. And we’re right there with you. With experience in Impact Investing, Microfinance, Crowdfunding and Socially Responsible Investments, the advisors at Fingerlakes Wealth Management will help you ensure that your investments are living up to your values.

There are so many socially responsible investment opportunities available these days. Investors have more options than ever to use their assets to effect change and create positive impact both locally and around the world.

  • Popular investment strategies include:
  • Sustainable
  • Fossil Free
  • Socially Conscious
  • Green
  • Ethical or Impact Investments
  • Community Investing
  • Renewable Energy
  • Environmental Responsible Investing

We devote a lot of time and energy into researching investments and helping you understand the impact of environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues related to your choices.

Our advisors count on supportive organizations such as USSIF, The Forum for Sustainable and Responsible Investment, which promotes sustainable, responsible and impact investing. Similarly, our advisors partner with GMI Ratings, the leading independent company that “provides global research coverage of the environmental, social, governance and accounting-related risks affecting the performance of public companies. GMI Ratings is a signatory to the United Nations-backed Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI).”

Although your advisor will select investments that they believe will result in a favorable return, we will always be consistent with the beliefs and ethical preferences you’ve shared with us.

It’s important to understand that socially responsible investing securities can be more volatile than other securities. Fingerlakes Wealth Management’s interpretation and application of its social and environmental standards are subjective and may evolve over time. There’s also a risk that information used by our firm to evaluate the social and environmental performance of issuers, industries, markets, sectors, and regions may not be readily available, complete, or accurate.

You can rest assured that we’re committed to understanding your goals, your needs, and what’s important to you. Once we have a clear idea of what you want, we make sure your financial assets align with your values.

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