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Our clients tend to have big ambitions. We love that—and we love helping you get to where you want to be. Sometimes, the path to arrive at those ambitions may seem unclear or overwhelming. ‍But having big plans for your future, and knowing there’s work needed to attain them, doesn’t mean you have to be focused on them all the time. 
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Financial Aid for College: A Few Tips

Key to understanding financial aid eligibility is learning how financial aid formulas work. They're rather complex and vary from school to school, but they basically use answers to questions about family income, assets, and size to help arrive at a special number known as the expected family contribution, or EFC.
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Retirement Distribution Pitfalls: Not Reinvesting RMDs You Don’t Need

Accumulation is a key facet of reaching your retirement goals. However, we tend to see far less about portfolio drawdown, or decumulation—the logistics of managing a portfolio from which you're simultaneously extracting living expenses during retirement. This can be even more complicated than accumulating assets.
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How Saving Too Much in Your 401(k) Could Cost You

The idea of contributing too much to a company retirement plan may sound strange, but it can happen, especially if an employee contributes high amounts in a short time frame, thereby hitting the annual contribution limit too early and missing out on part of the employer's 401(k) match, rather than spreading contributions out during the year.
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Avoid These Mistakes With Your IRA, Part 2

One of the key rules to bear in mind when rolling over money from a former employer's 401(k) into an IRA is the 60-day rule—that is, you have 60 days to complete the rollover.
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Avoid These Mistakes With Your IRA, Part 1

Funding an IRA may seem like a simple financial task: Pick your provider, send in your money, and choose your investments. Done.
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